Kids virtual magazine ODI-BEDJA N5 ( april 2001 )

Bang !
I missed it again. It all was so close! Daddy pushed me away and I missed it.
Hey, what's that packet in the corner? Well...

Look, those cute pictures over there, and here are those bottles, and here are boxes and...
Bang !
Again I got pushed away. Oh, there was a bicycle standing in the hallway...

Googl-googl, degom-degom ...
Oh, what luck! Daddy is taking something out of his bag there, and Mom has just opened that door!
Quick, quick! Just a bit quicker...

Bang !
Just my luck! Hmmmmm. What have you got over there ? A rusk ?
Well, hmmm, ok, fine, give it to me. I'll go and see what's Granny doing over there.
Degom-degom !
It's open! Quick! So, what's next to me? Come on... That's luck! Horray! There's justice in the world!
Really great luck this time! Get away, faster !
Degom-degom, googl-googl!
What did I take there, I wonder? What a nice packet, shiny and bright, I guess, very tasty !
What? How?! It's mine! I, I've been dreaming so long, so waiting! And you, you... MMMMMMMM! AAAAAHH!

- Why is she crying?
- Ah, she grabbed a pack of mayonnaise from the fridge, before I knew where it was !
- Come over here, my dear, my sweety, come, Mom will give you juice, in a cup, like grown-ups drink ! Come !

Bang !

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© Alexander Babushkin, text, design & photo ( Barbara ), 2000 - 2010
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